Satisfied with the service
Restaurant Map, Slippers, Microwave, Free Ice, Automatic Translation …
The Public Bath is not Onsen, but Skin Became Smooth.

Thank you for the review from Korea.

Summary of the review(Automatic translation)
    • 10.0 Superb dining “This is an old-fashioned Japanese inn”
    • Bedclothes Slippers Dining guide Maps Microwave oven Water Ice etc.
    • I did not have any problems with the use of a translator.
    • It seems that those who like Japanese traditional houses rather than those who prefer a well-appointed hotel, would like it.
Customer can bring the slippers↓
Automatic Translation MachineYou talk to the machine, it translate your language. Japanese customer may do not need.
We are glad that you were satisfied with our inn. Thank you.
If you have any questions, please feel free to send us email. ↓