I am terribly sorry, but please let me tell you about the sound proof of our inn. Our inn does not have well soundproof system.

Is that so bad?

Because our inn is old traditional building.
One of the most famous old book, Tsure zure Gusa tells us that when people build a house, they have to build it to bear hotness in Japan.
So, you mean, that kind of old buildings were built to avoid hotness in Japan, so sound proof is not so good, right?

Yes! Our inn is also old traditional building like Tsurezure Gusa said, so,

I see.

I am sorry, but I ask for your kind operation not to make big sound during night.

We have another information, so please check it as well.

If you have questions, please send email to us. ↓

Thank you for reading. Please book a secret plan with us!