How to get to Noh Theatre ?

The way from Kyoya
12 min on foot (1 km /0.6 mile)

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In Noh Theater, many concerts, performance, conference, and so on are provided.
The theater has exhibition that introduces about history of Noh. How about visiting there if you are going to Nagoya castle?
What is Noh?
    • It is kind of Kabuki.
    • Stories are based on history.
    • In Noh performance, gods and monsters appear.
    • Players often wear masks.
What is Kyogen?
    • Plays are almost comedy.
    • The plots of Kyogen are colloquial style.
    • The senarios are based on ancient daily life.
    • Players does not wear masks so often.
Noh has quite opposite character from Kyogen.
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about 15 minutes on foot from Kyoya